Privacy Policy

This privacy policy statement reveals the way all personally identifiable info is treated by Traveltourguru when a user accesses the official website; i.e. of Traveltourguru. This privacy policy statement is not any entity which not governed or owned by Traveltourguru. This policy statement may not also apply to any sort of info offered by user or on behalf of user to Traveltourguru in context of any other subject matter. By making use of the company website the user is deemed to have given his consent to the information collection modes and uses as described in this privacy policy statement

Our Collection and Usage of Personally Identifiable Info
Users who seek to register with us for enjoying our products and services need to provide us with the following personally identifiable info such as name, address, email, phone number, gender, marital status, anniversary, date of birth, holiday preferences.

We use these collected information to major purposes-

  1. For responding to user request most aptly pertaining to the use of any of our info, products or services
  2. For keeping the user updated on our latest offers or deals

Our Collection and Usage of Personally Non-Identifiable Info

We also record certain non-identifiable info pertaining to a user. Such info does not specifically identify any particular user in any way. Such info generally includes things like the User’s IP Address, log in time, the website portions a user is accessing and so on
We use this info for

  1. Getting feedback from user and improving our services
  2. Analyzing the most accessed portions of our website

Info Sharing and Info Disclosure

We commit not to rent, sell or share the user’s personally identifiable info for any purpose other than the ones discussed in our privacy policy or without the user’s prior consent. We may share or send a user’s personally identifiable info to other people or company under the following circumstances-

  1. When we are compelled by law or court orders or legal summons to do so.
  2. When we need to take the help of our business allies to resolve an issue of the user or respond to his/her comments.
  3. When we have the user consent to do so.
  4. When we are requested by any government, security, revenue, defense, regulatory agencies for the same.

Collection of Info by the Third Parties

Many of our promotions are promotions are sponsored by certain identified third party members and by that way these third parties could have access to the info you as a user, have willingly offered in order to take part in these activities. We disclaim of all liability with regard to the third party’s usage of your info. Thereby we always advise you to go through the privacy policy statement of the third parties as well.

Our Usage of Cookies
When a user uses our website, we send cookies that would get stored in the hard disk of the user’s PC. These cookies are aimed at improving the quality of a user’s interactive sessions plus at saving his/her time. Acceptance of the cookies depends completely on the user’s discretion plus the browser type he or she is using plus the browser settings he or she has

Browsing History
Your use of our website is taken as an implied consent on your part pertaining to our collecting, storing as well as using of your site browsing history. We may share this history with some of our reliable third parties for marketing purpose or for highlighting your areas of interest. Such history does not include any personally identifiable info and we, respecting the user privacy, maintain enough transparency while disclosing these facts to you and try our best to safeguard your privacy.

You have full discretion to set your browser up in a way that it rejects all cookies sent by third parties

Privacy Policy Amendment
We may amend our privacy policy from time to time and the latest version of the policy will be made available on our official website. If due to an amendment we need to expand the scope of our permitted disclosures pertaining to your info, we will definitely take your consent prior to taking any action in that direction.